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طبيب غزي يتقن صناعتها.. العيون الصناعية المفصّلة ملاذ آمن لمن فقدوا عيونهمA state of great satisfaction now felt by the young Khadra Abu Hoichl (28 years) after the installation of industrial eye, after suffering for years as a result of her that caused the loss of one of Habibtaha in the shooting of the Israeli occupation on the barrier (Netzarim) 2000, before the Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip.

And able young Abu Hoichl put an end to the psychological crisis caused by her being infected after visiting a medical center in Ascolh area east of Gaza City, and fitted to the eye compensatory detailed, brought her face to its natural shape.

The show Abu Hoichl Speaking to a reporter, "Donia home," her happiness, saying she suffered a lot in her life has not been able to travel abroad to get treatment, but the industrial structure of the eye restored the spirit of her new life.

She adds, "After the injury has caused me frustration over the 14-year-old returned me to nature and become practicing a normal life and get out of the house, especially as I refrained from it for a long period of time, for fear of modern people."

Young Abu Hoichl one of the thousands of injured who have lost their eyes and have overcome injury after the breakdown of industrial eyes in the previous is the first of its kind in the Gaza Strip.

The doctor says Yusuf Hussain, a specialist artificial eyes, he was able with his colleague Sabri pilgrims from planting thousands of detailed eye for those who have lost their eyes after getting a private eye in the industry in the country of Jordan sister cycle.

It explains the doctor Hussein in his speech for the "minimum home" they felt the need of citizens pressing for the cultivation of the eyes, especially in light of the Israeli blockade imposed on the Gaza Strip for years, and do not lie many from traveling abroad for treatment, what prompted them to search and exploration in this area, and the opening of the first and only status licensed by the Ministry of Health.

He points out that they were able to install more than 140 industrial appointed detailed along with their composition for 250 eyes ready for two years of inaugurated the center.

Doctor Hussein draws the eye to the industrial Ready cost up to about 500 to 1,000 shekels, while the price of industrial eye detailed installation of up to nearly $ 1,000.

And it confirms that the detailed eye vary from ready to take it edition of the eye socket, a place that eradicated from the eye and build them are manufactured to fit the exact dimensions of the quarry, which will be placed in it.

And complete "detailed eye allowing the patient to close the eyelids comfortably and gives him a sense of self-confidence, knowing inability around him to discover his problem as a result of these pathological precision in congruence between the eyes."

The doctor noted that it is manufactured in a manner detail and injecting it lasts a long time without the need to be changed only in children, because of their development in the age and change the size of the eye socket.

And the difficulties they face doctor Hussein said that the difficult economic situation prevents the installation of a lot of patients detailed to the eye because of its high cost, making them communicate with charities to cover the treatment of patients.

He pointed out that they suffer from a lack of the necessary material in the eye industry, pointing out that the occupation is deliberately prevented from entering the sector, without any reasons to remember


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